

The AnyDesk Audio feature allows users hear sound
from the remote device on their local device. 

During a session, the local connecting device can enable or disable this feature in the Permissions menu for Windows, and in Menu for macOS and Linux in the AnyDesk toolbar.

Setting up Audio Transmission 
Setting up the Audio Output
Windows settings

Setting up Audio Transmission

"Transmission" sets up which audio device the client transmits when it receives an incoming connection. The default setting will be to use the standard audio device that has been selected in the computer's settings.

Disable No audio transmission
Use standard device

Transmits the default audio device set in the computer's settings.

Transmit audio output of this desk Transmits the audio output of all devices on this computer.
Specify device A specific device can be selected for transmission.
It is possible to select a microphone here.

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Setting up the Audio Output

“Output” is responsible for which device the audio is played back on when the client starts an outgoing session. The default setting will use the standard audio device that has been selected in the computer's settings.

Disable No audio output on this device
Use standard device Use the default audio output device set in the computer's settings.
Specify device A specific device can be selected as audio output
Exclusive audio playback Reduces audio latency but will disable any audio output that doesn’t come from AnyDesk.

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Windows settings

When using audio transmission, the Windows system settings need to be set up properly.
In case of issues with the transmission, these should be checked first.

The correct default audio devices need to be set up, as this is what AnyDesk uses in its standard configuration.


The windows audio settings are found in "Windows System Settings" > "System" > "Sounds" and then under "Related Settings" to the right "Sound Control Panel".




In the "Sound Control Panel" under the "Playback" tab, it is important the device that is intended to be used for audio output is set as default, by clicking "Set Default".






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