

❗  Sessions tab in my.anydesk II refers to all connection history made via your AnyDesk client.

In my.anydesk II, you can view a list of all connections that you created between local and remote devices.

Connections Overview
Connection Details

Connections Overview

Go to the Sessions tab and view the following details of each connection created between two clients: 

  • Source address - the AnyDesk address of the device that started the connection. 
  • Destination address - the AnyDesk address of the device that accepted the connection request. 
  • State - the status of the connection. 
  • Start time - exact time when the connection started. 
  • End time - exact time when the connection ended. 
    sessions list
You can also filter connections by their state when selecting the state on top of the connections list. 

sessions list 2

Connection Details

To view the details of each connection, select a connection from the list.

On the next page, you will see detailed information about the connection, including the duration of the connection and whether the devices are licensed. Also, you can view comments about the connection in the Comments section. 

session detailsConnection details page



Closing Sessions

Sessions can be closed directly from the web portal by doing the following.

  • From the sessions menu you can filter all of your open connections by selecting the green open icon under the search bar.
  • Once you have selected the session you wish to close you will get the session details page. On this page you will have an option to close session.

  • Select disconnect session from the close session prompt.

  • You will see Session closed Successfully display on the portal, and The session was closed by the network administrator on the local device if the session has been terminated successfully.