User Providers


Applicable for users of an Enterprise-Cloud or Ultimate-Cloud license.

Within the my.anydesk II management console, you, as a license and organization owner, can set up a signup
procedure for your users. The User Provider type defines
how new users for your organization are created. 

Admin user provider setup
IDP user provider setup
LDAP user provider setup

my.anydesk II offers the following user providers:

  • Admin – Allows the organization owner to add users one by one or multiple users at once in the my.anydesk management console.
  • IDP – Allows the owner of the organization to create users for that organization using an identity management system that supports OpenID Connect (e.g., Microsoft Azure Active Directory). This way, Single Sign-On is set up and users can sign in using the organization's ID and company credentials. 
  • LDAP – Allows the owner of the organization to set up a user authentication process which validates a username and password combination with a directory server, such as Microsoft Active Directory, OpenLDAP, or OpenDJ. 

To access the user provider settings: 

  • Go to my.anydesk II and open the Organization tab. In the section General, click Edit to select the preferred user provider and configure it.  
    user providers