The customer portal consists of five major components:
The License tab allows the customer to view and manage general administrative information.

- Product – Current AnyDesk license.
- Upgrade button – Upgrade license/purchase a custom namespace.
- License key – Current license key.
- Reset button – Generate a new randomized license key.
- Expiration Date – Expiration date of the AnyDesk license before renewal.
- Cancel contract – Cancel the current AnyDesk contract.
- Max seats – Maximum number of clients the license key can be registered to the account.
- Max sessions – Maximum number of concurrent sessions. For Power license users, the maximum number of concurrently active devices will also be visible.
- Max session length – Maximum amount of time a session to or from a client registered to the account can be active.
- Namespace – Currently purchased custom namespace as well as the maximum number of concurrent Aliases allowed in the namespace.
- Customer No. – AnyDesk customer number. Please also provide this number when contacting AnyDesk Support.
- Email – Email account associated with the AnyDesk account.
- Contact details – Contains information about the current holder of the account
- Change button – Allows the user to change the name, address, and telephone number of the account holder.
- Payment details – Shows the current payment method.
- Change button – Allows the user to change the current payment method.
- Change button – Allows the user to change the current payment method.
- Connected – Shows how many clients are linked to the account.
- Online – Shows how many clients linked to the account are currently online and accessible.
- Active sessions – Show how many sessions to and from clients linked to the account are currently active.
The Clients tab shows all clients registered to the account.
- Export to CSV button – Exports the list of clients registered to the account as a file in a CSV format.
- ID – Shows the AnyDesk-ID of the client. Click the ID to see the details of that client.
- Alias – Shows the current AnyDesk-Alias of the client if available.
- Online – Shows if the AnyDesk client is online. If it is online, it will show for how long it has been online.
- Version – Shows the AnyDesk version of the AnyDesk client.
- Arrow – Click to see the details of that client.

Client Details
As in the main Clients page, users can view the ID, Alias, Online status, and Version of a specific AnyDesk client.
In the Client Details page, users are additionally able to:
- Connect button – If non-custom AnyDesk for Windows or Linux is installed, clicking this button will open AnyDesk and automatically send a connection request to the specific AnyDesk client.
- Remove button – Removes the AnyDesk client from the account. The client will still retain basic functionality but will no longer have access to the Address Book nor custom namespace.
- Set or Change the Alias of a device.
- Comment – See or write a comment regarding the particular AnyDesk client.
- Recent Sessions – See a list of the 5 most recent sessions that the particular AnyDesk client took part in.
The Sessions tab shows a session log of all past and current sessions to and from clients registered to the account.

- Export to CSV button – Exports the list of clients registered to the account as a file in a CSV format.
- From – Connecting client’s AnyDesk-ID and Alias
- To – Remote client’s AnyDesk-ID and Alias
- Start – Date and time when the connection request was sent.
- End – Date and time when the session was terminated
- Duration – Total time of the session.
Session Details
As in the main Sessions page, the user can see the From, To, Start, End, and Duration of the session.
In Session Details, users are also able to:
- Close Session button – If the session is currently active, it can be forcibly terminated using this button.
- Comment – See or write a comment regarding the particular AnyDesk session.
The Files tab shows all created custom clients.

Under “Documentation”, users will also see links to our Help Center, as well as documentation to help our users set up and familiarize themselves with our REST-Interface and Group Policy features. For On-Premises customers, they will also find the installation guide for their appliance server as well as the appliance server installer.
- Name – Name of the custom client.
- Platform – The operating system that the custom client was created for.
- Download – Download link to the custom client.
- Arrow – Click to see the details of that custom client.
Custom Client Details
- Name – Name of the custom client
- Operating System – The operating system that the custom client was created for.
- Version – Most actual version of the custom client available. Please note this does not reflect the version of the AnyDesk client if the Advanced Option _module=anydesk-<version> is used. See Advanced Options.
- Prefix – Account prefix normally in the format of ad_ or ad_..._msi if an MSI client.
- Connection Type – If the custom client allows only incoming, outgoing, or bidirectional connections.
- Allow installation – If the custom client allows for installation.
- Program Name – Name of the custom client. This will show up in the Start Menu and Add/Remove Programs as “AnyDesk ” if installed on Windows.
- (Public) Download – Download link to the custom client. If the link starts with “”, then the link is only usable while logged into the current customer portal. If the link starts with “”, the custom client is publicly available.
In the Settings tab of the customer portal, users can view and manage administrative aspects of their account.

- Localization – Change the language and timezone of the customer portal.
- CSV Export – Set whether the “Export to CSV” button exports the entire list of clients/sessions (Everything) or just what is currently visible on the table (Pagewise) as well as the date format of the CSV.
- Change password – Change the password.
- Two-factor Authentication – Enable or disable two-factor authentication for
- Allows the user to change the name, address, and telephone number of the account holder.
- Contact form for our technical support. See Submit a Ticket.
- Allows the user to change the current payment method.
- History and payment status of past and current invoices.